Happy Thanksgiving!! Many of you have done or are doing the the 30 days of posts on Facebook in November, posting things you are thankful for. Today I am going to list just 5 things I am thankful for this year.
1. My family! I am thankful for my husband who has by back even though the hard times. My 3 healthy daughters, who can be a handful every once in awhile. My parents and sisters who have given me support in so many ways. My in-laws who have always been so helpful.
2. Health. I am so thankful for my family's health. As I get older this becomes more important to me. You see close friends and family members making monthly or weekly visits to the doctor. You see the toll it takes on them and their family members. This reminds me how lucky I am to have a healthy family.
3. To Live in the U.S.A. Seeing the most recent terrorist attacks in the media, reminds me of how life could be some where else. I am thankful for our troops and their families, who give them up for months and years at a time.
4. Encouraging Words. I love to listen to Joel Osteen Radio and also follow Rebbecca Scott on her Encourager podcast. Listening to both of these people helps give me tips and reminders of how be a better me!
5. Coffee & Dates with My Husband! I had to throw in the simple things that I love. Without the simple things life wouldn't be as fun. Times with the girls, when they remind me that they won't be this little again. The reminders to slow down and enjoy life.
I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! Take a moment everyday to list a couple things you are thankful for.
Have a great day!
Ashley E.